Unleashing and Preserving the Power of Inspiration in Your Creative Process

In today's fast-paced world, where ideas come and go, capturing and maintaining the emotional intensity of those fleeting moments of inspiration is crucial. Why is it essential, and how does it impact our creative and business endeavors? I have a backlog of ideas for The High Performance Guide that could serve people, ideas that I loved for blogs, vlogs, training, services, etc..., but those become stale when not getting the required attention.

Overcoming the Challenge: Reigniting Lost Inspiration and Neglected Ideas

Have you ever experienced a flash of inspiration, filled with intense emotions and insights, only to find that when you return to your notes, the spark seems dimmed? You're not alone. This common challenge can feel like a barrier to sharing and developing our best ideas. Many creatives and professionals face this struggle, finding it difficult to reignite the initial passion that accompanied their first thoughts. The challenge lies not just in remembering the...

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How to navigate the Tightrope: Empathy vs. Assumption in Relationships, especially close ones

In our journey to connect deeply with those we care about, we often walk a delicate tightrope between genuine empathy and misleading assumptions.

While my mother spend a fun filled quality time weekend with Sacha, her grandchild, there was some miscommunication. Miscommunication that was led by empathy and assumptions.

Imagine a scenario that might sound familiar: You care deeply for someone who, out of empathy, assumes you're too busy to talk and refrains from calling, my mother who I care for dearly. My assumption that all was clear, wasn't at the end. All leading to unmet expectations and frustration with all parties involved.

People desire clear expectations. They want to know exactly where they stand and what is expected of them in their relationships. Consider a scenario where one partner expects the other to take on more household responsibilities without ever having a direct conversation about it. This lack of clear communication can lead to frustration and resentment.


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When things donā€™t go your wayā€¦

Do you feel frustrated? I do...

Do you feel angry? I do...

Do you feel scared? I do feel that as well sometimes...

Fortunately, there is more you can do than going through these emotions only.

I’m all about efficiency, in work and personal life. When things run smoothly as planned, it makes me excited, confident, trusting, and simply happy. The opposite happens as well when things are not going well or smoothly.

When things are going differently than I expected or planned, I’m shouting in my head this is not what I planned! On top of that, a strong emotion also pops up for me: FRUSTRATION.

During my Productivity Retreat last year, I had plans to be productive and focused on my coaching business, next to creating new habits and also creating blogs/content that I want to share on this site and LinkedIn account.

As planned no distractions from the home environment. No other work for clients this week, except for what is absolutely necessary, so that I can work on my...

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How to care (more)...

Have you ever felt that you didn’t care (enough) for yourself? Or that you didn’t care (enough) for others? They are closer connected than you might think. 

I have the blessing that I always have people around me who care for me: my family, my friends, my colleagues and even my clients. That is something that I’m much more aware of now, but that awareness wasn’t always there. I took the care I received from others for granted. 

On the other hand, you may think that people you care for, always know that you care for them, but that is also not always the case. How you care and the level of care is not always felt and appreciated by the other on the receiving end. 

So many different people, so many different needs and different expectations of what care they want, and they give (back). Have you experienced that you did everything in your power to arrange something (care) for somebody, but they didn’t experience it in the way that you...

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New environment, New habits

Last week I travelled to Sevilla, Spain, not for vacation, not for relaxation, not for the sun.

Have you ever felt that something needed to change and that change requires something new? Not new in the sense of getting something new, but new in the sense of an update. An update in behavior, my own behavior, and habits.

As CHPC* coach, I think I have a fair level of healthy, empowering, and productive habits in my life. Habits like generating energy, and increasing productivity are examples of the six high performance habits that I strive for in my own life on a daily basis and that I teach and coach others on in their lives.

For what I want to experience in life, I have to admit that there is a new level and direction that I need to bring into my habits. Not completely changing my habits, as the application of the six high performance habits stays the same in principle. It is in what area (direction) in my life that I want to apply the habits (more). Take for example the habit of...

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Why I'm grateful for all the failures I have experienced

Uncategorized Apr 24, 2020

Success is what I (and many of you :-)) have always tried to achieve, success at school, success at work, success with friends, success in relationship(s), success with own company. The taste of success is sweet and satisfying, but sometimes uncomfortable as well especially when people pat you on your back and put your on the proverbial pedestal.

To be continued...


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