When things donā€™t go your wayā€¦

Do you feel frustrated? I do...

Do you feel angry? I do...

Do you feel scared? I do feel that as well sometimes...

Fortunately, there is more you can do than going through these emotions only.

I’m all about efficiency, in work and personal life. When things run smoothly as planned, it makes me excited, confident, trusting, and simply happy. The opposite happens as well when things are not going well or smoothly.

When things are going differently than I expected or planned, I’m shouting in my head this is not what I planned! On top of that, a strong emotion also pops up for me: FRUSTRATION.

During my Productivity Retreat last year, I had plans to be productive and focused on my coaching business, next to creating new habits and also creating blogs/content that I want to share on this site and LinkedIn account.

As planned no distractions from the home environment. No other work for clients this week, except for what is absolutely necessary, so that I can work on my...

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