How to care (more)...

Have you ever felt that you didn’t care (enough) for yourself? Or that you didn’t care (enough) for others? They are closer connected than you might think. 

I have the blessing that I always have people around me who care for me: my family, my friends, my colleagues and even my clients. That is something that I’m much more aware of now, but that awareness wasn’t always there. I took the care I received from others for granted. 

On the other hand, you may think that people you care for, always know that you care for them, but that is also not always the case. How you care and the level of care is not always felt and appreciated by the other on the receiving end. 

So many different people, so many different needs and different expectations of what care they want, and they give (back). Have you experienced that you did everything in your power to arrange something (care) for somebody, but they didn’t experience it in the way that you...

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