How to navigate the Tightrope: Empathy vs. Assumption in Relationships, especially close ones

In our journey to connect deeply with those we care about, we often walk a delicate tightrope between genuine empathy and misleading assumptions.

While my mother spend a fun filled quality time weekend with Sacha, her grandchild, there was some miscommunication. Miscommunication that was led by empathy and assumptions.

Imagine a scenario that might sound familiar: You care deeply for someone who, out of empathy, assumes you're too busy to talk and refrains from calling, my mother who I care for dearly. My assumption that all was clear, wasn't at the end. All leading to unmet expectations and frustration with all parties involved.

People desire clear expectations. They want to know exactly where they stand and what is expected of them in their relationships. Consider a scenario where one partner expects the other to take on more household responsibilities without ever having a direct conversation about it. This lack of clear communication can lead to frustration and resentment.


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